Promote gut health. Prevent salmonella.

Healthy farming without antibiotics

New solution revolutionises breeding

Good gut health is the way forward for healthy poultry. aXiphen® has shown to have some unique properties that improve gut health, leading to a considerable reduction in salmonella as well as improved growth without the use of antibiotics.

Quorum sensing

  • Salmonella bacteria group together and form a biofilm through communication between the bacteria called quorum sensing (QS).
  • aXiphen® interrupts this communication, leading to the inhibition of pathogenic bacteria, preventing the formation of biofilm.


Leaky gut

  • The inhibition of QS improves gut-intestinal inflammatory conditions such as “leaky gut.”
  • aXiphen® decreases zonulin levels, which improves gut barrier function, and mitigates leaking gut syndromes.



No toxicity

  • The outcome of these unique health benefits is improved gut health where gut inflammation is reduced, the bacteria remain dormant, and there is no toxicity to the animal.
  • This results in healthy broilers which in turn leads to increased growth in a sustainable and natural way




  • aXiphen® offers the benefits of better uptake of other nutrition as well as having a high bioavailability effect.
  • It delivers up to 8 times higher plasma concentration, enters the bloodstream faster, works with a lower dosage, and has a greater bio-enhancement effect compared to natural capsaicin.



Verified in studies*

The many advantages of aXiphen® are substantiated by several recent trials.

  • Highlight and support the accelerated growth in broilers as well as enhance feed conversion rates. 
  • Several studies support the salmonella-reducing effects, concluding its effectiveness in reducing disease occurrence in poultry farming.
  • In a recent trial performed by Bergen University, aXiphen® showed a significant reduction in salmonella presence in commercial broiler farms. The study was performed by including 15 ppm of phenylcapsaicin in the regular starter diet during the starter growth period. The results were remarkable, with a 68% reduction in salmonella prevalence on the tested farms.
  • aXiphen® is authorised as a feed additive in Brazil and is expected to be approved in Europe early 2025.



    * Studies conducted:

    1.The effect of phenylcapsaicin on the prevalence of floor Salmonella under commercial broiler farm conditions. Statistical calculations by Department of Biological Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, NorwayT.R. Paulsen and K.H. Jensen 2. Inhibition of Quorum sensing activity by Phenycapsaicin using Chromobacterium violaceum CV026 GPH Biotech LLC. Bomi Framroze 3. Human Placebo Controlled Study to Investigate The Relationship Between Lowering Serum Zonulin Levels And Improved Body Weight Composition Using a Daily Oral Dose of Phenylcapsaicin 4. A comparative study on the relative uptake of Capsaicin, Phenylcapsaicin and Curcumin in single and combination formulations using a Caco-2 invitro cell assay. GPH Biotech LLC. Bomi Framroze 5. Phenylcapsaicin: Environmental Risk Assessment. Based on data from Ibacon, Weizel 2022. Measurement of Phenylcapsaicin in tissue. Q&Q Labs. Henrik Tjellström. Measurement of Phenylcapsaicin in feed. Q&Q Labs. Henrik Tjellström. Efficacy and tolerance study with Phenylcapsaicin in male broilers. Wageningen Livestock Research. Jan van Harn and Teun Veldkamp(Wageningen) 6. Efficacy of Phenylcapsaicin as growth promotor in broiler chickens. University of Bergen, Norway and South China Agricultural University, ChinaTorbjørn R. Paulsen and Liguo Yuan / Efficacy of Phenylcapsaicin as growth promotor in broiler chickens. University of Bergen, Norway and South China Agricultural University, ChinaTorbjørn R. Paulsen and Liguo Yuan / Efficacy of Phenylcapsaicin on nalidixic acid resistant Salmonella enteritidis PT4 colonisation in broiler chickens. Wageningen 2015. T. Veldkamp, A.J.M. Jansman1, J.M.J. Rebel, T.R. Paulsen, A. de Greeff